Friday 29 July 2022

Old entry from another blog - Peanut Politics

 (Originally posted on the 10th July 2009)

I was listening to a podcast from the Commonwealth Club of California the other day.

The podcast was a talk from Michael Moore on his work and films upto and including his new film 'Capitalism: a love story'.

Something was said during this that made me think of the question 'Why would someone vote for a politician whose policies are going to harm you'?

At the time I was thinking of the impending disaster of having a Conservative government in this country (something that appears to be all but inevitable at the moment when the General Election comes around next year), and the fact that a large number of poorer people in this country will end up voting for them, not because their policies will make these people better off (infact it is likely to be the exact opposite) but because the Conservative party are seen as the most likely party to 'kick out' the current 'New Labour' government as they are doing such a bad job of running the country at the moment.

This thought lead me to an analogy comparing this to a person who is allergic to nuts.

For someone who is allergic to nuts, it doesn't matter how attractive the packaging the nuts come in is, it doesn't matter how tasty the nut manufacturer claims the nuts are, it doesn't matter how glitzy the TV adverts are, if they eat those nuts it could kill them, so they wouldn't eat the nuts, would they?

The same idea can be applied to politicians. If doesn't matter how smartly dressed or nice they look, it doesn't matter how convincing their PR teams or adverts and party political broadcasts are, if doesn't matter how good a speaker or narrator they are, if their party's policies are going to harm you (either financially or in terms of your quality of life or some other way) you're not going to vote for them, are you?

Saturday 30 August 2014

Getting into the Ubuntu boot menu

This applies to version 10.04, not sure if it applies to other versions of Ubuntu.

Press and hold the Shift key on boot-up to access the Grub boot menu.

Do not repeatedly press the Shift key (in a VM environment on Windows this triggers prompts for turning on Sticky Keys and won't show you the boot menu!).

Monday 20 May 2013

Kicking around an idea

Possible idea for a petition in the run up to next year European Elections:

Given the UK Independence Party's (UKIP's) stance with regards the UK's place in the European Union and the fact that the party's core policy and reason for existence is to withdraw the UK from the European Union, we call on Nigel Farage and all other UKIP MEP's to make a pledge to take a principled stance and refuse to take their seats in the European Parliament after the 2014 European Elections and to refuse any monetary contributions they would otherwise receive as MEP's in the same way that Sinn Fenn MP's in the UK do not take there seats in the House of Commons. Taking a stance like this would clearly show to the people of the UK that UKIP could not be accused of double standards with regards to exploiting a system that they do not agree with.

This is only an initial draft of an idea.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Displaying Tables data in MySQL

To display tables data in MySQL, run the following SQL statement:

show table status;

Thursday 7 March 2013

Tee Shirt websites

Here's a list of Tee Shirt websites that offer limited print Tee Shirts:

TeeMagnet -
TeeFury -
RIPT Apparel -
Qwertee -
Shirt Woot! -
The Yetee -
Nowhere Bad -
ShirtPunch -
OtherTees -
Shirtoid -
TeeCraze -

Sunday 24 February 2013

Lyrics for My Blood by Ellie Goulding

that feeling that doesn’t go away just did
and I walked a thousand miles to prove it
and I’m caught in the crossfire
of my own thoughts
the colour of my blood
is all I see on the rocks
as you sail from me.

alarms will ring for eternity...
the waves will break every chain on me
my bones will bleach.. my flesh will flee.
So help my lifeless frame to breathe

and god knows I’m not dying
but I breathe now
and god knows It’s the only way
to heal now
with all the blood I lost with you
it drowns the love I thought I knew

the lost dreams I buried in my sleep
for him
and this was the ecstacy of love forgotten
and I’m thrown in the gunfire of empty
bullets and my blood is all I see as you
steal my soul from me.

alarms will ring for eternity... the waves
will break every chain on me
My bones will bleach... my flesh will flee...
So help my lifeless frame to breathe.

Friday 22 February 2013

Lyrics for At Your Name by Tim Hughes

Verse 1:
At your name, the mountains shake and crumble,
At your name, the oceans roll and tumble
At your name, angels will bow, the earth will rejoice, your people cry out

Lord of all the earth we'll shout your name, shout your name
Filling up the skies with endless praise, endless praise
Yahweh Yahweh, we love to shout your name oh Lord

Verse 2:
At your name, the morning breaks in glory,
At your name, creation sings your story,
At your name, angels will bow, the earth will rejoice, your people cry out

There is no one like our God,
Jesus we will praise you,
There is no one like our God,
Sing, Sing