Tuesday 3 January 2012

Pokemon TCG - Cards with Poison Attacks

Scolipede - BW Emerging Powers
Venipede - BW Emerging Powers
Shuckle - HeartGold SoulSilver
Ariados - HeartGold SoulSilver
Sandslash - HeartGold SoulSilver
Weezing - HeartGold SoulSilver
Qwilfish - HeartGold SoulSilver
Beedrill - HS Unleashed
Kakuna - HS Unleashed
Crobat Prime - HS Unleashed
Gliscor - HS Undaunted
Gloom - HS Undaunted
Muk - HS Undaunted
Stuntank - HS Undaunted
Combee - HS Undaunted
Gilgar - HS Undaunted
Amoonguss - BW Noble Victories
Garbodor - BW Noble Victories
Whirlipede - Black & White
Scolipede - Black & White
Weezing - Call of Legends
Seviper - Call of Legends
Tangela - Call of Legends
Drapion - HS Triumphant
Nidoking - HS Triumphant
Venomoth - HS Triumphant
Victreebel - HS Triumphant

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